Following up on our committee call on July 8th, there are several action items. For the details of the call, see the minutes, posted in the committee documents.
1. Paper review survey! It is paper review season and our paper review coordinators, Eric Sundquist and Christine Yager, need to know who wants to review. We would appreciate everyone (even if you reviewed in past years) taking the 5 minutes or less to complete the following survey related to paper reviewing this year. Please respond no later than July 18th. For those that sign up to review papers this year, you will be hearing from Eric and Christine in the coming weeks.Survey here.
2. TRB papers are due August 1 if you are submitting for the Annual Meeting. The submission site is here. We hope to see lots of papers that respond to our paper calls, hint, hint.
3. TRB has asked us to invite a non-traditional stakeholder to speak at our committee or a session. A non-traditional stakeholder is someone who does work of interest to our committee but who represents an employer type, discipline, or sector important to our committee, but not historically involved in TRB activities or TRB meetings on a regular basis (TRB broadly, not just our committee). Send Ema Yamamoto ideas of non-traditional stakeholders by August 15.
4. TRB is having several tutorials for the Annual Meeting between now and December on topics including paper review and surviving the Annual Meeting. These webinars provide background information, practical advice, a walk through the TRB software, and plenty of time for questions. The schedule is posted on the website and recorded webinars may also be found on this site.