1. Next Webinar Dec. 10th: Future Directions for Multimodal Research and Practice
Join us for the next webinar in our series – Multimodality in Major Cities: Urban Success Stories. This webinar will focus on the most recent technological developments that facilitate multimodal transportation. The webinar will provide knowledge on current research advancements in urban multimodal transportation, and the challenges of overcoming the gap between research and practice.
Date: Wednesday, December 9, from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm (Eastern Time)
Register in advance: http://www.trb.org/main/blurbs/173239.aspx
- Kristine Williams, Center for Urban Transportation Research at University of South Florida
- Darby Watson, Seattle Department of Transportation
- John Gordon, Metro
- Tiffany Chu, Remix
Note that this webinar is sponsored by TRB, so there is a fee for non-TRB Sponsor or non-TRB Sustaining Affiliate employees. You must register in advance.
2. Committee Conference Call, Dec. 14th
Monday, December 14, 3-4pm ET
Join us for an update on committee activities and preparations for the Annual Meeting. Agenda and call-in number will be posted soon.
3. Annual Meeting Sessions Posted to Website
The Interactive Program is now available! We have posted the list of sessions our committee is sponsoring or co-sponsoring to the website – see the link at in the top bar! We hope you will be joining us for many of our sessions. And a head’s up that the committee meeting will be on Wednesday, January 13 at 2:30pm.